Why the cancellation of Netflix Punisher doesn’t mean the end of the character

The week started with Jon Bernthal's  post that looked like a goodbye letter to the fans and everyone involved in the show. https://www.instagram.com/p/BuB1v9eFnKy/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Since 2016 that Jon Bernthal portrays Frank Castle, the Punisher and the character apeared on screen after the last movie in 2008 featuring Ray Stevenson as Frank Castle the Punisher in Punisher… Continue reading Why the cancellation of Netflix Punisher doesn’t mean the end of the character

Rumor: Billy Russo might assume “Jigsaw” identity later in the show

There has been a lot of discussion about Billy Russo's scars not being faithful to the comic books. Everyone knows that in the comic books that Billy Russo is "Jigsaw". He assumed that identity when Frank Castle shredded his face into a glass pane. In the series and after some interviews they don't seem to… Continue reading Rumor: Billy Russo might assume “Jigsaw” identity later in the show

A new Punisher teaser (not a trailer) and Billy Russo “controversy”.

Weeks ago, there were rumors that pointed that yesterday would be the day the Punisher trailer would be released. But in my view it's more like a promo and not a trailer but it's fine. It's really good that whoever guessed it or really knew, could calm down the fan base by the apparent lack… Continue reading A new Punisher teaser (not a trailer) and Billy Russo “controversy”.

News: The second teaser is out and finally the release date is confirmed!

There is no better way to start the new year without Punisher news! And we all know how Punisher fans need it. The second teaser which can be said that it's the first one "officially" launched is finally out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFruVNpoWfQ I can breakdown this teaser by saying that Frank is on the road "trying" to… Continue reading News: The second teaser is out and finally the release date is confirmed!

Marvel’s the Punisher season 2 might be released in January 2019!

According to the latest video published today by Netflix on Youtube Marvel's the Punisher season 2 appeared in the January releases of 2019. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pks_6st8bg8&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR2jhAWZyWBbSiNIxEozfo7S0MLpEXGzJ-_VhtOG-ivqenduwzA79ehwM6w What is curious is that, Netflix took out the video from Youtube without giving any further explanations. There is no information about the day but in the January releases it said… Continue reading Marvel’s the Punisher season 2 might be released in January 2019!

Jon Bernthal Goes Gun Training For Marvel’s The Punisher Season 2

To celebrate Jon Bernthal's September 20th birthday, Taran Tactical Innovations, a Simi Valley, CA based gun manufacturer/gunsmith/dealer, released a short clip of Jon gun-training for Marvel's The Punisher Season 2. Taran Tactical Innovations has been involved in firearms training for actors/actresses like Keanu Reeves and Jennifer Garner in gun-heavy tactical films such as John Wick and the… Continue reading Jon Bernthal Goes Gun Training For Marvel’s The Punisher Season 2