Review: Marvel Knights 20th #02 by Donny Cates & Matthew Rosenberg

In this second story Frank Castle and Bruce Banner continues the pursuit other names and try to find out what really happened to their memories. This story is original and it's great that we have a very rich cast of players in this book but as a reader I didn't think we had a great… Continue reading Review: Marvel Knights 20th #02 by Donny Cates & Matthew Rosenberg

Review: The Punisher #4 (2018) By Matthew Rosenberg

Matthew Rosenberg continues to give us a great roller coaster ride at the helm of this Punisher title. Last issue we saw the appearance of Jigsaw in a Punisher book after eight years since his last appearance in The Punisher: "In the Blood" miniseries by Rick Remender. It was a brief appearance but really satisfying.… Continue reading Review: The Punisher #4 (2018) By Matthew Rosenberg

Speculation: The Punisher might be an important player in “War of the Realms”

In the last issue of Avengers #10 we saw Wolverine showing Loki a vision of the past and future. The curious fact is that we see the Punisher wearing a medieval armor and a sword. Until now there was no clues about what was going to happen in the future. Lucky for us, Marvel announced… Continue reading Speculation: The Punisher might be an important player in “War of the Realms”

Review: Marvel Knights #1 (2018) by Donny Cates

The new Marvel Knights run marks the 20th anniversary of this fantastic team book that mostly consists with street level heroes. The original concept was Daredevil creating a team to put down the Punisher. You can always buy the recently released Marvel Knights trade paperback written by Chuck Dixon with the artwork by Eduardo Barreto.… Continue reading Review: Marvel Knights #1 (2018) by Donny Cates

Review: The Punisher #3 (2018) by Matthew Rosenberg

First of all sorry for the lack of updates, it's been almost two weeks without my laptop and only now I had the time to review this fantastic issue. The main focus of this issue is the relationship between the Punisher and Daredevil while they fight for their lives in a very confined space full… Continue reading Review: The Punisher #3 (2018) by Matthew Rosenberg